
Asynchronous handshake

Asynchronous data transmitter based on handshake protocol. Generic parameter S is a module name of synchrinoizer.

Generic Parameters

S synchronizer


WIDTH u32 Data width
TYPE type Data type
STAGES u32 Stages of synchrinoizer
INITIALIZE_DATA_OUT bit Whether output data is reset
INITIAL_DATA_OUT bit<$bits(TYPE)> Reset value of output data
MERGE_RESET bit Whether both reset are merged
RESET_SYNC_STAGES u32 Stages of reset synchronizer

Clock Domains



is_clk input 's clock src clock
is_rst input 's reset src reset
is_valid input 's logic src data is valid
os_ready output 's logic src data is acceptable
is_data input 's TYPE src data
id_clk input 'd clock dst clock
id_rst input 'd reset dst reset
od_valid output 'd logic dst data is valid
id_ready input 'd logic dst data is acceptable
od_data output 'd TYPE dst data